11 October 2011

When money ran short, this dad started Dumpster diving

When money ran short, this dad started Dumpster diving

Supplied by Todd (Anonymous)

A typical haul from two nights' worth of Dumpster diving by Todd: plenty of chips, crackers, and other boxed goods.

They say one man's trash is another man's treasure. For Todd, trash is simply a way to keep bread on the table for his three kids.

A programmer by day, Todd takes to the streets of North Carolina by night, digging through Dumpsters at drug stores and grocery stores all around his rural neighborhood.

"You would be simply amazed at what businesses throw out," he said. "I've only had to buy two loaves of bread all year. ... Last week I had a trunk full of cereal, cookies, chips and ramen noodles."

Todd slinks in and out of smelly places with low-light flashlights to evade rent-a-cops who will shoo him away. Most nights, his 14-year-old son comes along.

"I don't like getting all the way into Dumpsters unless there's something really

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